Printed: 2025-03-31
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Collection GD2 - Lewis Society of Detroit, 1919-1972
Identity area
Reference code
GB3002 GD2
Lewis Society of Detroit, 1919-1972
- 1919-1972 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
9 volumes
Context area
Name of creator
Lewis Society of Detroit
Administrative history
The Lewis Society of Detroit, USA, was founded in approximately 1919 to enable those with connections with the Isle of Lewis, Scotland, who were living in Detroit to meet together for social events and to “foster and preserve the language, traditions, customs and amusements of the people.” There had been meetings of the Society before 1919. There is a subscription log book dated 1919 but no minute book for meetings before 1923. The Society met once a month, sometimes at their respective homes or in town halls etc. They elected a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary to deal with Society business. They also elected a piper(s) and bard to provide entertainment through poetry and piping at their functions and gatherings.
Members were expected to pay a subscription to the Society of $1.
A committee organised an annual picnic which was held which included races and competitions for children.
An entertainment committee was established within the Society which dealt with organising social and entertainment events. Food and drink were provided at these events and a raffle was often held. Movie nights and picture nights were also organised.
There had been meetings of the Society before 1919. There is a subscription log book dated 1919 but no minute book for meetings before 1923.
The Society appears to have corresponded with other Lewis and Harris Associations. Evidence of correspondence with the Glasgow group is noted at a meeting of the Society. At the last noted meeting, March 1972, it is stated that meetings were to be suspended until October 1972. It appears that the society was wound up at this time.
Members were expected to pay a subscription to the Society of $1.
A committee organised an annual picnic which was held which included races and competitions for children.
An entertainment committee was established within the Society which dealt with organising social and entertainment events. Food and drink were provided at these events and a raffle was often held. Movie nights and picture nights were also organised.
There had been meetings of the Society before 1919. There is a subscription log book dated 1919 but no minute book for meetings before 1923.
The Society appears to have corresponded with other Lewis and Harris Associations. Evidence of correspondence with the Glasgow group is noted at a meeting of the Society. At the last noted meeting, March 1972, it is stated that meetings were to be suspended until October 1972. It appears that the society was wound up at this time.
Archival history
Previously held in Detroit but brought back to Lewis by local journalist after visiting the city as part of a radio programme.
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Constitution Booklet 1941; Minute Books 1923–1972; Subscription Record 1919–1965; Accounts/CashBook/ 1927-1972; Journal 1927–1955; Annual Picnic Book 1957–1966; Entertainment Committee Minute Book 1950–1960
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
No further items are expected to be added to this collection
System of arrangement
Arranged within series. Within series, records are arranged chronologically.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Paper records, constitution booklet
Finding aids
Digital and paper item level catalogue available in the searchroom of Tasglann nan Eilean Siar
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Lewis Society of Detroit (Creator)