Printed: 2025-03-12
View archival description
Collection RC4/36 - Lionel School, Lewis
Identity area
Reference code
GB3002 RC4/36
Lionel School, Lewis
- 1879-1999 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
1 linear metre
Context area
Name of creator
Lionel School
Administrative history
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Internal transfer from Lionel School: 2014: A2014/1
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Admission registers 1879-1999; log books 1900-1993; daily attendance registers 1888-1889; school magazine (TÃ intean) 1959-1970; mark books 1971-1994; records of teachers 1943-1955; financial records 1966-1975; school handbooks 1993; class lists 1926-1942; Day School Certificate (Higher) General Paper: Lists of Candidates 1926-1939; Junior Secondary Certificate Schedule of Scholars Proposed for the Award of the Junior Leaving Certificate 1940-1960; list of Scholars Presented for Approval of their Enrollment in Post-Qualifying Courses 1926-1947; Attainment Certificate 1949; term examination results 1949-1970; class promotions 1948-1963; Further Education Classes 1980-1981; circulars to Head Teachers 1973-1984; returns to the Scottish Education Department 1934-1958
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Arranged within series. Within series, items are arranged chronologically.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Records containing personal data regarding pupils are closed for 100 years from the last date in a given volume. This includes admission registers, examination results, daily attendance registers and class lists. If you have a particular query regarding these records please contact the archivist.
Records containing personal data about teachers are closed for 75 years from the last date in a volume.
Records containing personal data about teachers are closed for 75 years from the last date in a volume.
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Paper records
Finding aids
A digital and manual item level catalogue is available within the searchroom of Tasglann nan Eilean Siar
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Records including photographs, school projects, teaching materials and relating to school activities are held by Ness Historical Society
GB3002 RC4/3 Records of Barvas School Board 1873-1919 (Tasglann nan Eilean Siar)
GB3002 RC4/1 Records of Lewis Education District Sub-Committee 1868-1974 (Tasglann nan Eilean Siar)
Notes area
Description control area
Description identifier
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Level of detail
Dates of creation revision deletion
Catalogued by David Powell, Archivist, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, March 2014