Printed: 2025-03-27
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Collection AF38 - Fishery Board for Scotland in-letters and reports
Identity area
Reference code
GB 234 AF38
Fishery Board for Scotland in-letters and reports
- 1960-1999 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
3.69 linear metres
Context area
Name of creator
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland
Administrative history
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Scope and content
This series consists of loose papers - in-letters, reports, etc - concerning harbours for which aid was obtained or sought from the Fishery Board.
Of particular interest for the Western Isles are:
AF38/154/11: Report by district officers on number and size of boats using Cromarty Harbour and Stornoway Harbour before and after improvements or erection. 1883
AF38/155/18: Return of particulars of Barra Harbour, showing name, size, whether natural or artificial, and cost of works, depth of water at low tide and rise of tides, number of fishermen, local and stranger boats using the harbour, and value of fish landed, 1888-1890. Also examples of the principal uses of the harbour. 1891
AF38/155/24: Return of particulars of Stornoway Harbour, showing name, size, whether natural or artificial, and cost of works, depth of water at low tide and rise of tides, number of fishermen, local and stranger boats using the harbour, and value of fish landed, 1888-1890. Also examples of the principal uses of the harbour. 1891
Of particular interest for the Western Isles are:
AF38/154/11: Report by district officers on number and size of boats using Cromarty Harbour and Stornoway Harbour before and after improvements or erection. 1883
AF38/155/18: Return of particulars of Barra Harbour, showing name, size, whether natural or artificial, and cost of works, depth of water at low tide and rise of tides, number of fishermen, local and stranger boats using the harbour, and value of fish landed, 1888-1890. Also examples of the principal uses of the harbour. 1891
AF38/155/24: Return of particulars of Stornoway Harbour, showing name, size, whether natural or artificial, and cost of works, depth of water at low tide and rise of tides, number of fishermen, local and stranger boats using the harbour, and value of fish landed, 1888-1890. Also examples of the principal uses of the harbour. 1891
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Full catalogue available through National Records of Scotland online catalogue at