Printed: 2025-03-12
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Item 5 - "An Eala Bh’an" [The White Swan] & others. Musical setting for four voices with score by Domhnull Ruadh Dòmhnallach and music by Coinneach Mac Thòmais
Part of Macdonald Family of Cromagh, Lochmaddy, North Uist
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Reference code
GB GB CEUT DR2140/2/5
"An Eala Bh’an" [The White Swan] & others. Musical setting for four voices with score by Domhnull Ruadh Dòmhnallach and music by Coinneach Mac Thòmais
- n.d. (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
5 pages
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Macdonalds of Cromagh
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Language of material
- Scottish Gaelic
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Access points
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Name access points
- Dòmhnallach, Domhnull Ruadh, Gaelic poet (Subject)
- Thòmais, Coinneach Mac, composer (Subject)