Printed: 2025-02-08
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Collection AF81 - Crofting Development files
Identity area
Reference code
GB 234 AF81
Crofting Development files
- 1948-1980 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
8.56 linear metres
Context area
Name of creator
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland
Administrative history
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Crofting development files cover a range of subject files relating to the development and implementation of crofting legislation, 1948-1980
Areas covered include: Commission of enquiry into crofting conditions, Crofters Act 1955, grants and loans 1949-1971, Review of Crofting, land tenure proposals, Agricultural grants schemes, working party of common grazings, the Crofting Commission papers; Crofting Acts papers and legislation files, crofting reform papers, estate development files; Highland and Islands Development Board
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Paper records
Finding aids
Full catalogue available through National Records of Scotland online catalogue at